Looking for a "Ghost Writer" writing case studies, white papers and articles, you will be noticed as co-author on every publication. Native English writers only (USA, Canada, UK, AUS/NZL)The Topics are all BIG DATA Solution related (Business- and Operational Intelligence), the targeted aud
Hi, I run a web design and photography business and am looking for a writer to work with ongoingly. The job would entail writing/rewriting blog posts and how-to articles on my business website, editing web content and writing promotions, email marketing, sales pages, etc. Applicants must have excell
Posted on September 8, 2017
epicor functional consultant with minimum 2 yrs experience and worked on epicor 7should be able to provide training to our team on epicor 100 hrs per month.
Posted on September 8, 2017
Hi!I want a new logo for my catering company.The logo must be simple and personal.The company name is "Camilla`s Catering AS"Camilla is my first name and Catering is self explanatory.I'm in a hurry so fast response is fine!
Posted on September 8, 2017
If you are interested to work on this projectread and fill up the attached doc.submit it for review
Posted on September 8, 2017
Hi There,I am starting a new event Management business and I have planned to hold a couple of events. For that reason I am looking for a digital marketer expert capable of design and maybe implement a digital marketing "simple" and clear plan. The event in question is a Job fair to be held
Posted on September 8, 2017
Pozdravljeni Aleksandra,z zanimanjem sem prebral vaš profil na Guru.com ter vaša priporocila. Zdi se mi, da to, kar mi potrebujemo ustreza vašim poklicnim referencam in preferencam, zato se vam oglašam.Naš majhen in pretežno virtualen marketinški team želimo dopolniti še z eno osebo, ki bi prinesla
Posted on September 8, 2017
Hi There I am looking for an event planner for a job fair that can put together a plan that includes budget, Marketing , booth sales and staffing. I need a simple plan.
Posted on September 8, 2017
Hi There,I am planning a new event withim the next 6 months and I need help in writting a proposal for the event to be presented to investors interested parties and also to serve as the guide for the execution of the event. proposal MUSt include all aspects of an invent organization. The trade show
Posted on September 8, 2017
Hello , We would like to make a timeschedule for a 24/7 support in our company. There is a primary and a secondary consultant who will be paid out of 2 different rates. I have started on the sheet but need help to make formula so it automatically calculates. month and with color. I imagine that the
Posted on September 8, 2017
Hello , We would like to make a timeschedule for a 24/7 support in our company. There is a primary and a secondary consultant who will be paid out of 2 different rates. I have started on the sheet but need help to make formula so it automatically calculates. month and with color. I imagine that the
Posted on September 8, 2017
We want to develop one page html canvas application where we can draw lines and circles and text - similar to MS paint but much reduced and limited functionality.If work appears good, we have few more project requirements in pipeline.